The school provides with the American curriculum and AP courses as well as A-Level courses. With the high quality of gold medal curriculum system, our students are endowed with the priority of getting into the best colleges in the world .Based on the brotherhood with the Hong Kong Tian Jiabing Foundation, the Hong Kong Institute of Number Science Academy and the captivating and top-class educational resources elaborated by the school, the AP-A-Level dual curriculum system can better guarantee the enrollment of students to get in the world's first-class universities. The school also offers 18 AP courses including calculus, statistics, economics, psychology, etc. In the creation of Chinese and foreign integration courses, the school also provides more than 50 electives for students to choose from freely. Such as students' scientific and technological literacy and innovation ability as the core, the establishment of STEM, 3D printing, intelligent robots, model production and other hands-on courses, art, golf, rugby, tennis, hip-hop, archery and art design, dyeing, poetry creation and other characteristics of the curriculum, for the development of students' personality and comprehensive literacy to provide a strong support.
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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