上海田家炳中学国际部2025届喜报速递|Felicia Zhu同学被世界TOP20多伦多大学录取
多伦多大学是一所位于安大略省多伦多市的顶尖公立研究型大学。该校成立于1827年,是加拿大最古老和最负盛名的大学之一。多伦多大学以其广泛的学术项目、尖端研究以及在医学、工程和人文等多个领域的重大贡献而闻名。The University of Toronto is a globally top-ranked public research university located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Established in 1827, it is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the country. The university is renowned for its extensive academic programs, cutting-edge research, and significant contributions to various fields such as medicine, engineering, and the humanities.
According to the 2024-2025 Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report, the University of Toronto ranks 17th globally. It is also the top-ranked university in Canada.In the QS World University Rankings 2025, the University of Toronto is ranked 25th globally.The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025 places the University of Toronto at 21st globally.ShanghaiRanking Consultancy’s Academic Ranking of World Universities 2024 ranks the University of Toronto 26th globally.根据2024-2025年《美国新闻与世界报道》最佳全球大学排名,多伦多大学在全球排名第17位,也是加拿大排名第一的大学。在2025年QS世界大学排名中,多伦多大学位列全球第25位。2025年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名将多伦多大学置于全球第21位。2024年上海排名咨询公司的世界大学学术排名将多伦多大学排在全球第26位。
项目与研究The University of Toronto offers over 700 undergraduate programs and more than 200 postgraduate programs. It is a leading institution in research, particularly in areas such as medical and health sciences, where it ranks ninth globally. The university is also known for its strong performance in education studies, ranking ninth globally.多伦多大学提供超过700个本科项目和200多个研究生项目。该校在研究方面处于领先地位,特别是在医学和健康科学领域,全球排名第9位。多伦多大学在教育研究领域也表现出色,全球排名第9位。校园生活与就业前景Students at the University of Toronto benefit from a wide range of extracurricular activities and support services. The university is known for its strong employment prospects, with graduates highly valued by employers due to the university's global reputation.
多伦多大学的学生可以享受广泛的课外活动和各种支持服务。该校以就业前景良好而闻名,毕业生因其全球声誉而受到雇主的高度评价。The University of Toronto stands out as a leading institution in both academic excellence and research innovation. Its high global rankings and extensive program offerings make it a top choice for students and researchers worldwide.加拿大多伦多大学以其卓越的学术成就和研究创新而脱颖而出。其高全球排名和广泛的项目选择使其成为全球学生和研究人员的首选之一。
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